Chhote Chhote Peg song

Chhote Chhote Peg song: Yo Yo Honey Singh turns Hans Raj Hans’ Tote Tote Hogaya into an A-rated song

Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety song Chhote Chhote Peg is the perfect dancing number with a Punjabi tadka to it. Also, Nushrat Bharucha looks as stunning as ever.

The third song of Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety is out. The dance number starring Kartik Aaryan, Nushrat Bharucha and Sunny Singh might make you hit the dance floor. When you see Nushrat and Kartik, what is your first thought – cute? Well, it is now time for you to see their hottest avatar on screen in their new song ‘Chhote Chhote Peg’. The song composed by rapper Yo Yo Honey Singh is a recreated version of an old number sung by Hans Raj Hans. We are sure you must have heard of Tote Tote Hogaya? Well, this is a twisted version of the song. The song has been made about booze, girls and addiction. Typical Honey Singh song, isn’t it?

But we are bowled over by the moves and hotness displayed by the lead stars Kartik and Nushrat. There is a sequence that’s steamy hot where Kartik is flaunting his six-pack abs and Nushrat is pouring whiskey over him.
The song has been sung by Neha Kakkar and Navraj Hans with rap by yo yo Honey Singh.

After a wedding track Dil Chori and a travel song Subah Subha, this track makes sure that Honey Singh is back with a bang and is completely in his element.


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